M. Giant's
Throwing stuff at the internet to see what sticks

Tuesday, October 06, 2009  

More to Give

Trash again. I said I would keep you up-to-date on where we - well, mostly M. Edium - is sending his support through Tomato Nation's Donors Choose event, so here I am.

I love the annual fund drive, and I've been saving some of our donation money throughout the year in anticipation, but this year has been the best because M. Edium is so excited. Every moring during breakfast we discuss what kind of projects I should seek out (made much easier by the new spreadsheet created by Sarah's intern Amanda). We always start with the suggestion of a Star Wars or Lego project, but as soon as I gently suggest we try to expand our interests (having invested in one lego-themed project already) he is on it. He will suggest Energy or rockets and I will search until I find something that might interest him. He is picky and will reject those projects that don't hold his interest, but when there is a connection? He is so excited. He has even offered to travel to the school in question to show them how to use whatever it is we are buying.

With his birthday coming up on October 12th, we have been trying to ensure that he understands that not all kids are as lucky as he is, and that some kids don't get big birthday parties (with a haunted house and games and WAY too many kids) or even Christmas gifts (The project still needs donations!) and I think the message is starting to sink in. He is asking people who come to his party to bring books to donate instead of gifts, although (of course) he still has a list a mile long of wished-for birthday presents. And he is excited about the contest and the ways he can contribute. For example, today's choice might have been influenced by me, but he was thrilled to select it. The Lorax is one of his favorite Dr. Seuss books, and also one of his favorite movies [even if the tone is completely wrong -- M. Giant].

Tomorrow? Who knows. He might decide it's time to check out rockets or the moon or the theater. I guess not knowing is part of the fun.


posted by M. Giant 1:06 PM 2 comments


I think it's great what you guys are doing, and I will donate on Friday when I get paid, if there is anything left to give on M. Edium's projects.

And can we see pictures of the birthday party? It sounds rad!

By Anonymous Jodi (NY), at October 7, 2009 at 7:21 AM  

Hey there, I went ahead and popped the Christmas books project under the 400.00 mark, thinking maybe it might help gain some momentum if it continues to gain progress.

The Lorax is a favorite in this household.

Thanks for putting up the links.

By Blogger Land of shimp, at October 8, 2009 at 8:46 AM  

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