M. Giant's
Throwing stuff at the internet to see what sticks

Tuesday, October 13, 2009  

Donations for the Nation

Trash here.

M. Edium received a super-cool gift for his birthday Monday. No, I’m not referring to the incredible Clone Wars Helmet sent to him by Catherine in Australia (you should SEE him stomp around the house in that one) or any of the other great gifts sent by M. Giant’s readers (you guys are all too cool, seriously.) No, I mean Corp Kitten’s gift of a Donor’s Choose gift card so M. Edium could pick some additional projects.

He has been very busy this week, going after science projects and schools in need. I have been a bit surprised by his lack of interest in book projects, since he loves books so very much, but he is a boy with a mission – and that mission is science. And Star Wars. Sadly, there aren’t many (read: any) projects that focus on Star Wars Hyena Droid Bombers (what does that even MEAN?) so he has picked a variety of science projects. And the best news for you is that most of them still have room to give, so you can all partake!

By the way, he is just tickled when he sees his name (well, M. Edium) on the donor wall, so THANK YOU Land of Shimp for making his day. He keeps saying “Did I do that or did someone do it for me?” when he sees his name, and he he is so happy when it’s from someone else.

Some of our friends, like Linda and Joe, are offering fabulous recaps as gifts to readers who complete project or donate, and I can’t offer that (what with the lack of talent or skills in that arena) but I will offer this: if you donate anything to any of the Donors Choose projects through Tomato Nation and mention M. Edium’s name in the *why we donate* box – and then let us know, so I can find it - I will show it to M. Edium and tell them what an amazing and incredible person you are. Oh, and you will make a little boy very, very happy.

Anyway, this week M. Edium’s projects included:

Strong Lab Basics

Houston We Have a Launch

Reach for the Stars: Astronomy at Its Best!

Solar Energy - Now!

Robot Explosion

Classroom Bully

First Hand Look At Rocks

Outdoor Physical Activities

Basic Classroom Resources


posted by M. Giant 7:05 PM 6 comments


It's my pleasure to participate, and I'm so glad it helps make M. Edium's day :-) A happy, belated birthday to you! My son is M. Uch Older (19 and in college) and he's always loved projects like this, too.

By searching out the projects, and drawing attention to them, you are directly helping, M. Edium. So yes, you really did help do that.

Please check : Houston We Are Go for a Launch and Reach for the Stars for some proof :-)

By Blogger Land of shimp, at October 14, 2009 at 6:37 AM  

*points at Solar Energy project also*

Worth a look. I'm just saying :-)

By Blogger Land of shimp, at October 14, 2009 at 7:00 AM  

Check "Solar Energy Now" - from a lurker who enjoys reading about M.Edium's exploits.

By Anonymous L, at October 14, 2009 at 9:20 AM  

You can also check out Classroom Bully if you are so inclined...

By Blogger Lis, at October 14, 2009 at 10:49 AM  

You can check out "Reach for the Stars: Astronomy at Its Best!" also.

By Anonymous Michael, at October 17, 2009 at 12:49 PM  

Another belated birthday message at "Classroom Bully"...

By Blogger Sarah in Ottawa, at October 20, 2009 at 7:59 PM  

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