M. Giant's
Throwing stuff at the internet to see what sticks

Sunday, January 11, 2009  

Over My Head, Part II

Thanks to those of you who were actually interested enough to guess. Nobody quite nailed it. The recaps of the four-hour 24 premiere were actually finished over a week ago, thanks to the nice people at Fox sending me an advance screener DVD that I was able to recap during the holidays. And the gunk really isn't hard to clean up. I made a note to wipe it all out of the tub with a paper towel after every session, but even if I hadn't, it would have easily come off once it dried. And even if it hadn't, the stuff is water soluble. Which, when you get right down to it, is kind of how I ended up in this situation in the first place.

However, the first anonymous commenter came the closest, and wins the prize of being invited over to finish the project for me. No ID necessary; any old anonymous individual can feel free to stop by any time during business hours.

Let me clarify. That roughly circular spot just above the corner of the shower surround is where the end of the tension rod that holds the shower curtain usually goes. The combination of the rubber ends and years of steam exposure took the paint off the wall, so I figured that while I had the curtain down and the tools out, I might as well patch those parts as well, right? Notice how the dry compound almost glows white.

Notice how the compound on the ceiling, which had been applied two days before this photo was taken, doesn't.

It might just be the difference in contrast between the tan wall and the white ceiling. I hope so. But after cutting a small hole in a piece of white printer paper and peering at both areas through it, I'm not so sure.

So now I'm wondering if I was too hasty in getting started on the mudding. Does this mean the stuff on the ceiling isn't drying at all? Is the moisture that caused the damage still coming in from above, maybe from that crack in the wallboard core? Am I going to do the best mudding and sanding job of my life, only to watch it fall down again in six months while I'm washing my hair?

Maybe, maybe not. There's only one way to be sure. And that's to finish this up in due time and then sell the house immediately.

posted by M. Giant 7:09 PM 6 comments


Judging from the way the ceiling looks, I'd say your patch isn't drying completely, based on my previous patching jobs. Regular drywall/plaster takes a VERY long time to dry out before you can work with it. I found this out during a re-tiling job I did in your shower surround. That was a fun week of keeping water off the wall of my shower. If it isn't greenboard (and, it looks like it isn't), that stuff will take a good long time to dry.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 12, 2009 at 6:49 AM  

Okay, make that "my shower surround", not "your shower surround". There. That makes it lots less scary/stalkerish.

Note to self: no posting first thing in to work. Not awake yet.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 12, 2009 at 6:51 AM  

I tried that "hurry up and finish the project, then sell the house ASAP!" thing. It doesn't work in this economy. Refinished original 1925 hardwood floors, new paint, new stormdoor, new copper pipes in upstairs bathroom, new fixtures in upstairs bathroom, new pvc pipes in kitchen, etc., but the house has been on the market for 9 months and nada! Which might not be so bad except that the house is in MI and we are in SC and therefore are paying for two houses right now. It sucks.

So please keep the "sell the house" part a joke for now, 'k? No one else should have to go through the house-selling hell that is the current economy in the upper midwest.

By Blogger Bunny, at January 12, 2009 at 7:10 AM  

I'm someone who has done a LOT of plastering (100 year old house with a lot of spots of water damaged plaster)

You could always try sheet rock 90 instead of drywall compound. It dries faster (and harder). It's a bit more of a pain to sand (means you have to be more careful when applying) but you don't need to wait nearly as long before using the area. If you are using drywall compound, it's always a good idea to give it a week without taking a shower / bath as the extra humidity will seriously delay drying time.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 12, 2009 at 9:09 AM  

Find out if a friend or acquaintance has a moisture sensor you can borrow (or you can buy one for about $30)


If the problem is that you have a leaking pipe or something under the drywall, better to know sooner rather than later.

By Blogger SharonCville, at January 13, 2009 at 9:48 AM  

We are going through the same thing...in preparation to sell our house (we must be crazy), we decided to "quickly repair" some cracking paint in the bathroom. I chiseled a bit off and a giant chunk fell down right down to the horsehair plaster. Ha.

Every project we've started is going like this - fixing a leaky faucet turned into a sink replacement, etc. Now of course we're like, "We have to get the hell out of here!!" NOT a good emotion to be feeling in this housing market...but we hope to get a good deal when buying at least.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 14, 2009 at 7:00 AM  

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