M. Giant's Velcrometer Throwing stuff at the internet to see what sticks |
Friday, April 14, 2006 So in case you're clicking over from here (and it looks like everyone is)... So later a bunch of us are in the Westin's restaurant, having some of whatever you call that meal when it's four a.m. and you've all been downing beer and wine and liquor for almost twelve hours, and dinner, while splendid (despite Glark's dark warnings that "Dinner is for closers"), was eight hours ago? That meal. So we're sitting around the drunkfast table, wondering what Wesley Snipes has to do to get 86ed from Mandalay Bay, and I speculate, "Because he would always bet on black," and pamie instantly goes into this whole scene where Wesley Snipes is running around wagering on everything black in sight, including the word "black" on the blackjack table until they finally tell him, "I'm sorry sir, we'll have to ask you to leave." The sun never sets on the snark in Vegas. posted by M. Giant 4:41 PM 0 comments 0 Comments: |